最近我要寫academic writing, 請問英文好既朋友可以幫我睇下我個題目的文法對不對和立場定得明確嗎? (Problem, stance, solution) thanks?

2017-10-17 1:23 am
香港的堆田區飽和問題 : 為何徵收垃圾費是最有效延緩飽和的方法?

Hong Kong's landfill area saturation problem : why levy garbage charges is the most effective way of delayed landfill area saturation?

回答 (2)

2017-10-17 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
The problem of landfill area saturation in Hong Kong : Why is the levy of garbage charges the most effective way of delaying landfill area saturation?

About your title : Hong Kong's landfill area saturation problem : why levy garbage charges is the most effective way of delayed landfill area saturation?
(1) " Hong Kong's landfill area saturation problem " -- grammatically correct.

However, since this is part of the title of your Academic Writing, it would be better to use a seemingly more standard form of writing :- The problem of landfill area saturation in Hong Kong.

(2) " why levy garbage charges is the most effective way... " :
a) why → should be " Why "
b) Actually, " Why levy garbage charges is the most effective way... " is
equivalent to " Why is the levy of garbage charges the most effective way .... "
Just that, the 2nd version of writing is more straight forward / simple to be used as a TITLE.

(3) "... is the most effective way of delayed landfill area saturation"
" delayed" -- means " 巳 delayed "
但現在是解釋 " why levy garbage charges " 會是一個最有效的方法 " 去 delay " landfill area saturation.
所以, 應寫作 : "... is the most effective way of delaying landfill area saturation"

總括 :
(1) & (2) 句, 你可以照用你的 version.
但第 (3) 句 -- 是 grammatical mistake, 需要改 !
2017-10-17 1:54 pm
levy---n,an additional sum of money, usually paid as a taxeg:-Govt. wants to impose a levy on landfill waste.
Why is "the impose" of a levy-------S+V-----Interrogative asks a question -------------------------about the reason for something; to introduce a question.
of garbage charges------adj. phr.
the most effective way------adj phr.
of delayed landfill "waste" area saturation?------- O---adv. cl. as complement.

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