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God uses suffering for a greater good. Nothing else is so effective. It makes you to stop and question. Who hasn’t questioned, “Why suffering”? It is a call back to God from Whom we have gone, is it not?
Since Christ suffered the suffering due to each of us for our sin so that we might be spared there can be no good reason not to trust His wisdom and goodness in allowing and using suffering for our greater good. Since He suffered more than any, He is both touched by it and knows better than any how it may best be used.
Sadly few are willing to think and so many blindly use suffering as an excuse for their sin.
Sin has brought self to the throne instead of God, and sadly it is therefore suffering that is the antidote to self.
Here are some reasons for the use of suffering:
1. God uses suffering to alert and warn us that all is not well and that we are in eternal danger.
2. To prove the terrible extent and compass of sin. Does not everybody deny the extent of their sin?
3. Man’s fall into sin has placed self on the throne in the place of God. Suffering is the appropriate antidote to humble and oppose self to cease from sin.
4. To turn us from harm. As pain or fear of it makes us withdraw and reduces injury.
5. To show us the fragility and emptiness of this life.
6. He uses suffering to show His glory and demonstrate His power by His deliverance.
7. He also uses suffering to perfect and change us. As a mason shapes stone with his chisel.
8. He uses it as a sanction to teach us of moral consequences.
9. To teach us to depend upon Him.
10. To teach obedience. It is easy to obey when everything is easy and smooth.
11. To correct us.
12. To test and prove genuineness. Those not genuine will not persevere or overcome.
13. To cleanse from defilement. It exposes and cleanses the dross and self indulgent ways.
14. To bring humility and to keep humble. God is understandably far from the proud.
15. To unite us to Christ in His sufferings.
16. To obtain a better resurrection.
17. To earn for us an eternal weight of glory in exchanging temporal possession or advantage for eternal.
18. To evidence the truth of His word.
19. To separate us from and away from the influence of, those on the path away from God.
20. To bring us to enquire after Him and consider these points. Who ever seeks God from ease and wealth? He uses suffering to call us to Him.
We have all turned aside to our own ways therefore to return to God and His ways will cause us suffering. Better then to suffer for glory than to suffer for our own foolishness.
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Now consider that Justice allows for no lessening of its requirements. Forgiveness and reduction of the sentence offends against Justice. Only if the full demands of Justice are met, neither more, neither less, can Justice be satisfied.
The full demands of Justice for each individual were met in the punishment of Christ on our behalf in His infinite Nature. Do you think you can calculate that?
If He was willing to suffer so as to give opportunity that any might be spared then who is any of us to complain of our suffering which can lead us to share in that salvation? And what does it say of His love and compassion?
And what does it say of us to ignore or trample upon that suffering?