Write molecular, complete ionic, and net ionic equations for each of the following precipitation reactions.?

2017-10-16 7:59 pm
The precipitation reaction that occurs when aqueous AgNO3 is added to aqueous sodium iodide.

回答 (1)

2017-10-16 8:08 pm
Molecular equation :
AgNO₃(aq) + NaI(aq) → AgI(s) + NaNO₃(aq)

Complete ionic equation :
Ag⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq) + Na⁺(aq) + I⁻(aq) → AgI(s) + Na⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq)

Net ionic equation :
Ag⁺(aq) + I⁻(aq) → AgI(s)

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