Why do guys never like me back or even approach me?

2017-10-16 1:48 pm
I'm a 20 year old girl and have never had a boyfriend, went out on a date, kissed, or even hugged a guy outside of my family members... I've liked guys before, but I'm always just a friend or nothing at all. Am I doing something wrong here? Or am I really just not that great of a person? It's really frustrating me and I feel like I'll never experience any of these things.

回答 (10)

2017-10-16 2:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You've told us nothing about yourself. However, some gals peak in high school, some women come into their own closer to 27, some a decade later than that. I know a beautiful, smart, talented woman who'd never been kissed or been on a date until she was 28. Thought herself invisible to guys and was heartbroken over it. She longed for a husband and a baby, graduated from college without having had much more than a perfunctory conversation with guy and threw herself into her career sure that she'd never attract anyone.

I went to a grocery store with her when she was around 26, three men in the store attempted to converse with her and she gave two words responses to their questions, friendly and politely but dead-ended the conversations and quickly moved away, she completely ignored the guy in the checkout line who ended up striking up a conversation with me (I'm much older) because he tried to get her attention and failed and was embarrassed enough that he was glad to converse with me, I took her to a party where she spent 20 minutes speaking to a guy and then just got up and was ready to go.... and when I pointed out that a guy doesn't spend 20 minutes sitting next to a gal trying to talk to her at a party if he isn't interested, she denied it! She denied he could have been anything but polite, she simply didn't notice the guys in the store and it didn't occur to her they were trying to start a conversation, she was wandering about BLIND and certain that the guy wondering where the cereal was just needed directions. I watched all 4 of these fellows notice her, get near her, and try to talk to her! She didn't. Yet, in the car, she expressed her sorrow to me that no man ever seemed interested at all.

That all happened in the span of two days. Pretty sure it'd been going on for a decade. Eventually, a friend's brother managed to actually get her attention long enough for her to realize he had a motive (!) and they were wed with an infant two years later. Seems to be going just fine.

I carried on about this because the two biggest reasons for your situation are that you are oblivious, or you only notice the guys who aren't attracted you and ignore then ones who are.
2017-10-17 12:10 am
Don't panic.
Guys like open friendly girls.
At least the nice ones do.
Guys are sometimes intimidated by girls that seem stuck up, or inaccessible.
If I liked a guy I had no problem letting him know it.
In conversation find some way to touch his arm or hand.
Nothing overt mind you.
But that shows him you have some definite interest in him.
Don't be afraid to ask him to a movie, or what kinds of movies he likes.
Find him in a crowd to say hi.

Remember beginning relationships are tricky.
Step out of your comfort zone a bit.
Good Luck.
You sound very nice.
2017-10-16 2:10 pm
you give off the wrong vibe and that is why guys don't approach you... fix that problem and things might run smoothly
2017-10-16 2:37 pm
You sound shy. Try to be more confident and less soft spoken.
2017-10-17 11:32 pm
Maybe you are unattractive? Just a shot in the dark here.
2017-10-17 8:32 pm
I have that problem to I don’t understand these guys I don’t even think guys like me
2017-10-17 8:03 pm
Try going to a bible study group with people your age. That is the best place to meet someone.
2017-10-17 5:08 am

Guys keep their distance and play it very carefully you know approach a woman or just flirt a little with her she'll claim it's sexual harassment don't approach her then she says no one likes me and it's frustrating etc.

What do you want from us?!
2017-10-16 8:21 pm
Guys are always like this, funky and inmature, that's what making them so childish and alluring, but we are know that it's not always like this, I've a capricorn guy that's always like this, he threw me off as a friendship when he's good, but when he's in the military, treat us back nicely during the struggling years, it's the hunger game you see, or maybe they are playing the hunger game with you too.
2017-10-16 9:05 pm

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