I've grown to resent my father. Read all?

2017-10-16 7:00 am
Hi, so I'm 16. I have a younger brother who is four. I've always had a good relationship with my dad, we get along pretty well, but recently my mom pointed out that he really doesn't do anything for her or the kids: he just works.

Now it's not like I expect him to get home and do all the chores, play with the baby, and cook dinner after work. Not at all. But he gets home and won't even watch a show with my little brother, or sit with him and play with cars, which is something I do on a daily basis even if I'm in the middle of doing something more important.

I also help my mom wherever I can. I sweep, vacuum, do the dishes and the laundry, watch the baby, basic stuff like that. Of course I'm a teenager so I'm not perfect, but my dad won't even do the one thing she asks him to do a week. For example, my mom asked him to wash the dog this weekend on Monday, and now that it's Sunday he said that he's not going to because he wants to relax and play video games. So now I have to stop doing my homework and my mom has to stop cleaning the house to complete the ONE chore she asked of him this week.

He also allows my mother no time to do anything. Like, anything. She wants to take a dance class with me and maybe a cooking class too, but since my dad can't seem to be bothered to watch the baby for a few hours out of the weekend she can't. It's frustrating because he'll spend the whole weekend doing nothing while my mom never gets a day off.

Idk what to do. Advice?

回答 (3)

2017-10-16 8:37 am
i dont blame you, not much you can do about it,its up to your mom to do something
2017-10-16 7:37 am
First of all, don't ever assume that because someone works all the time and doesn't spend time with family, that he doesn't love you. It's very possible he is struggling to keep his place in work, or that he is suffering from burnout, or that he may even have clinical depression. After all, he IS going to work every day so you all can have the life you have.

Your MOM should speak to him, not you. She should ask him to go see his doctor and discuss how he's doing, because he may not be doing well at all. It's easy to get bogged down with responsibilities, and no longer be able to enjoy what you have - that quality time works both ways.

Stop resenting your Dad and try being nice to him. He's missing out on a lot of important things, and something is probably wrong. This is for your parents to unravel, but it should start wiyth a discussion about his health, not his character. If he were truly a bad guy, he would have taken off and left your mother with no money. he hasn't done that- and if your mother wants to take a dance class, she should hire a sitter, not blame it on your Dad. She's an adult, too, and it's her responsibility to do what she needs to do. She should also have a groomer wash the dog.
2017-10-16 7:25 am

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