Feeling mentally uncomfortable. How can I calm down?

2017-10-16 2:03 am
Lately my life has been all over the place with everything happening at once. First, my dad moved to the other side of the world last week and i can't concentrate at school or anything. Then, I have my A levels to worry about and I'm about to resit maths GCSE for the 3rd time. I don't have much motivation either. I absolutely love taking photos but i just can't find time or motivation and i have a deadline coming up and idk why that's not motivating me enough.

I know I want to do these things but i'm too stressed. Also, yesterday i had a huge panic attack. I suffer from anxiety but lately i've been getting better. I get counselling at school and it's helped me panic less and they're not so physical anymore but when they do occur they are more emotional. SO yesterday i had a breakdown in front of my boyfriend and we had a little fight but we made up. Then, i had a panic attack again and i have never cried so hard in front of anyone before and i hadn't cried that hard in years. My bf luckily was there to help me. Right now i just feel on edge and too stressed.

How can i calm down?

回答 (2)

2017-10-16 3:23 am
First of all, congrats on getting counseling! That can be one of the best things. Keep that up.
Does your boyfriend treat you well? Was he respectful to you, during your panic attacks and fights? That's important. Disrespect only feeds anxiety and panic. Find out what things/people stress you the most.
Don't let all of your time be about schoolwork either. That would drive me insane. Make time for fun, no matter how trivial the thing may be.
As for calming down, Valerian root is a natural herb in The Vitamin Shoppe that is calming, and so is Magnesium, which is a required mineral that most of us are deficient in. Try taking magnesium at nights before bed, it helps you sleep better and relaxes you more during the next day. Magnesium deficiencies top symptoms are anxiety and insomnia. Our diets are really lacking it nowadays. This is the very first thing I'd do.
2017-10-16 2:52 am
Calming down is the easiest thing. The evidence that just breathing slowly is the most efficient relaxation method is excellent. It lowers your blood pressure in 2 or 3 minutes. It's used to treat veterans with PTSD who haven't been helped by other treatments (video below). Two psychiatrists recommend it as part of a 3-part mind-body approach to mental health.

The main reason why I want to mention Complete Idiot's Guide to Study Skills is that this book tells you about active listening, which helps you to pay attention in class. Get involved in the lecture instead of listening passively. We often get questions from students who are having trouble with their grades. I've devoted a lot of time to reviewing books on study, and concluded that the best are by experienced faculty in psych and ed dept's of universities, like this book, which might be the best one ever.

There's a very simple method that's very helpful for motivation problems. When a task seems like its too big, think of it as a series of tasks that you can do one at a time and start with something really, really easy. If the task is cleaning the house, start by cleaning the kitchen counters. Or, work for 5 min and take a short break. Breaks are good but always watch the clock. Homework - proofread a paper or preview a chapter you're going to read by looking at headings, sub-headings, etc. Look for natural points in time to take breaks, like after reading a chapter.

This answer has resources for healthy lifestyle - the basic lifestyle program of the Univ of Kansas and mind-body methods from Asia adopted by psychology.


Videos: treating PTSD with breathing therapy and a guided exercise based on the work of those two psychiatrists



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