I have been eating excessively lately?

2017-10-15 11:00 am
I have been eating constantly lately I m always hungry. In less than 12 hours I have had 2 macaroni and cheese cups 5 noodle bowl things I have eaten probably 6 small bags of chips that you get in that chip pack I have drank 4 pure leaf tea and I m hungry again. And that s was just today I get foot long subs alot lately and I get chips and a cookie and a drink and that s not even half of it. Thank God I have a very fast metabolism because I would probably weigh over 300 pounds and I only weight 145 last time I checked but whenever I get my paycheck I can never ever save any money because extra money I get go towards food

回答 (4)

2017-10-15 12:19 pm
Check for a tapeworm.
2017-10-15 11:34 am
This happens either out of stress, or lack of self worth, which causes lack of self control from addictions or wrong things. You have to talk to yourself, dig in your subconscious, by asking yourself questions and be honest with yourself, and making a deal with yourself. Make plans, a routine. Such as waking up every morning and taking shower. Taking your dog for a walk to the park, spending like 10 minutes doing yoga or aerobics, saying affirmations or prayer, reading a new book and learning something new. This will help you feel more passion for life, improve self worth and you'll be able to achieve self goals like losing weight, controlling bad habits.

You know people that don't have a proper routine, those that wake up whenever they want, eat whenever, eat whatever, they look in the mirror and hate themselves and then go in denial. They are depressed and have low self worth. It is really sad. Anyone in this situation, you have to do something with your life and yourself.
參考: Everyone is a beautiful creation by god, you must respect this body you were given, make the best of it, keep it healthy and clean, decorate it, love yourself. It is a shame if you won't. For everyone out there reading this. Be strong and determined, it's your life everything is in your hands you can do it!!! Anyone can do it.
2017-10-15 11:10 am
Your on the way to being obese and diabetic,
All your eating is carbohydrate, which is going to elevate your blood sugar and insulin levels.
Eat more protein and fats, like bacon and egg to avoid what is happening to you.
Your blood glucose level is going up and down like a yoyo, when it's up you make body fat, when it is down, your hungry.
2017-10-15 11:02 am
Go for a jog. Do something to take your mind off food.
2017-10-15 11:38 am
Way too much junk food, you really need to get a healthy diet on track, get proper exercise and sleep.
Nothing wrong with the right foods but eating more than you really need doesn't help much.
I was like you, a high metabolism and a voracious appetite, Put away a large pizza at a sitting and not gain an ounce.
It catches up to you in later years if you don't live healthy now.
Perhaps examine what is bringing on the eating binge, A GF was a stress eater, something bothering her a loaf of bread on each side of the fridge was a snack. Went from 140 to 180 like overnight. Her Dr told her the rapid change in weight could kill her in the long run.
Worked on destressing and solved the problem.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:44:37
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