Who is a better friend to t;he USA Russia or China?

2017-10-14 9:23 pm

回答 (6)

2017-10-14 9:52 pm
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China. They lend money to the USA.
2017-10-14 9:53 pm
2017-10-14 9:25 pm
Neither are friends. Both are geopolitical foes who work against us.
2017-10-14 9:30 pm
Neither one is exactly a "friend" to the USA.
I think that Russia (or at least the political face of Russia, Vladmir "I'm not a dictator, really" Putin) might side with the USA on certain political matters, if it was in their interest to do so.
China is extremely independent, and they represent a rather massive chunk of the human population on Earth. they will push back to protect their interests. They openly support the North Korean Government. The USA will not get anything politically speaking out of China unless China stands to benefit from it.
Russia is in a sort of slow tragic decline in terms of their power and influence. China is not.
2017-10-14 9:28 pm
2017-10-14 9:26 pm
Neither. China has policy of make china the greatest and Russia has a plan to make Russia greatest.

USA has removed itself from the competition.

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