Should I care if my boyfriend follows some slutty accounts?

2017-10-14 4:09 pm
He would have been following the accounts before we started dating so it's not so much that I feel cheated on its just the quality of the accounts. It's not like beautiful super models or girls with perfect hourglass bodies it's like cheap looking accounts. Like it was literally this one account and the woman look like a crackhead 40 year old and I was kind of like should I be mad or laugh? I just don't understand what would make him follow an account like other than him liking that? It makes me feel insulted to be honest.

I'm not happy with it so I am going to say something because it won't happen again but I want him to know that its not okay that it happened either I'm just wondering if I should question his character or just get on him for it and then let it go?

回答 (4)

2017-10-14 6:29 pm
To be honest, if my boyfriend was following accounts like that I would just dump him. I do think it's very odd, and he probably has a fetish. For me, it's a turnoff.
2017-10-14 4:15 pm
Well it’s not like he is actually having sex with them, he is just curious and maybe he has a thing for trash. Lol who is this 40 year old crackwh0re’s account? Now I’M curious lol.
2017-10-14 4:10 pm
Offer him a choice. Those accounts or you.
2017-10-14 5:27 pm
Not really. He could have a number of reasons for doing it, up to and including his own personal amusement or to see if he can get a rise out of you.

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