Are alloy rims or steel wheels better for bad roads?

2017-10-12 10:47 pm
I know it’s a weird question but I recently got a job that’s inner city. I live in the suburbs so streets are decent. However the streets getting to work which are unavoidable are just awful. I just know I’m going to bust a tire or worse my suspension. The job pays much better than I’ve ever made so quitting isn’t a option. My question is which rim is more resistant to damage? My car currently has steelies by the way.

回答 (4)

2017-10-13 12:52 am
Steel rims are more durable than aluminum or magnesium alloys and can often be repaired cheaply after mild impact damage, rather than needing to be expensively replaced.
2017-10-12 11:47 pm
Steel rims are stronger. Alloy rims are lighter in weight but fail more frequently on hard impact, like when you hit a big pot hole. The alternative is to SLOW DOWN when driving on streets that you know are bad. Lower speed = less damage from impact.
2017-10-19 1:26 am
Steel wheels are less prone to be damaged by bad roads.
2017-10-12 10:48 pm
Steel rims are much more durable... not as stylish as the modern ones but they are better performance wise.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:53:12
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