How to know whether a Cancer woman has lost interest or not?

2017-10-12 11:39 am
Met a female who is 4 years older than me at an exchange. During the last week of the exchange, I think she grew interest in me and stuck by my side most of the times. I also sensed that she stared at me from far distance but I didn't want to embarrass her by returning a look although I think staring at a person is quite rude.
But 1) I am not used to this intimacy (my own community is cold, so I am used to oppressing my own feelings a lot) 2) she just suddenly clung onto me 3) I didn't think we were that close 4) I was still processing how I attracted her. So on the last day, I found her on the last day for photo-taking during the farewell reception (she stared at me again yet didn't find me for photo-taking). Then she suddenly hugged me and asked me to have tea with her the next day (I told I'll being staying longer) if I had no plans, but I frankly told her I had and it's a far place from there. Yet, she still told me to text her if I would be free then.
Since I was just treating her as an acquaintance (I think we would become good friends because we were peaceful and I could read her mind most of the time, my specialty lol) but I think she didn't want us just to be acquaintances?
The important thing is, I was aloof to all her gestures because I haven't been that intimate before and need time to heat things up while she's already into me (?), so did I hurt by rejecting her invitation and once again not finding her for tea?

As I returned to my hometown, I realised all of that. At first back to our own countries, I chatted with her on FB and check and she kept asking me the same questions after I've asked. Her reply time gets shorter and replies get longer but I subtlely ended since I don't want to bother her for her upcoming exams which would be in a month at that time. Is she just doing the polite gesture but now treat me as an acquaintance too?


We also checked each other's instagram stories quick, but then, she occasionally checks now. Is she done with me? Will she ever be interested in me again if we meet? Me: Libra, F

回答 (8)

2017-10-12 6:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oh damn. Rejecting a Cancer woman usually results in her losing interest completely. Not a good move. Especially if you are interested in her. Now it's going to be a real challenge trying to get her attention again.
They normally make themselves look busy just to avoid you.

Been there and regretted it..
Once you reject a cancer it's hard to get them back. I know because I am one, met a lovely man but he rejected me and I had to detach, it's sad because even though he still tries I know it's too late and I can't change my feeling because it would not be wise to give too many chances
2017-10-12 5:22 pm
At the person who said cancers aren’t confident in themselves well I’m a cancer and I’m definitely confident in my abilities.
2017-10-12 11:49 pm
Astrology is fake.
2017-10-12 7:21 pm
You would be more compatible with a Gemini woman instead.
2017-10-12 1:57 pm
Well depends if she still sees the doctor for her cancer... maybe she gave up on life all together. You may want to contact her to see if she is ok, maybe she is depressed because you rejected her offers...
2017-10-14 9:22 am
always be nice but dont want to see you
2017-10-12 1:12 pm
Cancer are shy and not to confident in themselves

so if you start distancing yourself

she thought you were not interested

but try again and see

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