Girls, do you dress differently when going out for drinks/dinner on a Thursday versus a Friday or Saturday?

2017-10-12 5:22 am
Going out to a nice restaurant tomorrow for drinks and dinner where on a Friday or Saturday I could definitely get away with wearing a Bebe type of dress. I just haven't been there on a weekday before so I was wondering whether I should tone it down a bit or go for the Bebe dress. Thanks!

回答 (4)

2017-10-12 1:46 pm
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My outfit depends on the venue and event. Not knowing what your definition of “tone it down” is, it’s hard to answer. Sounds like this is a pretty upscale establishment, so perhaps the question is; would you feel TOO dressed up in a Bebe dress? I for one always err on the side of too dressy. Worst case scenario, I’m sure you’ll get a ton of compliments on your Bebe-type dress! Don’t forget the heels and hose!
2017-10-12 5:58 am
How I dress depends on the place that I'm going to and the weather. Not the day of the week.
2017-10-12 7:08 pm
The Bebe dress! Why not?
2017-10-12 6:23 am
Never tone it down, always go for it

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