Not telling the baby's father that I'm pregnant?

2017-10-12 5:13 am
I am currently 5 weeks along and I'm in a rock and a hard place. Earlier this year I met what I thought was this great guy. We seemed to click naturally and even though it was more casual there was chemistry. I stupidly fell in love with him. My dad warned me not to let him take advantage of me and my mom was hesitant about him. He's got a good job and a house of his own he just moved into. What eventually got me to snap was when I asked him if he wanted to do something for his birthday either this Thursday or Monday ( He's turning 28 this Friday). He responded saying he's getting hammered tomorrow and Monday he's recouperating. I know we aren't official or anything but I felt incredibly hurt he couldn't make even an hour for me. That was before I knew I was even pregnant. Keeping in mind if I knew who he truly was I would have never gotten involved with him. I have been feeling funny recently and felt I should take a test. All three came back positive and they were different brands. The thing I'm having a hard time is this guy didn't even want to hang out with me much less be with me. Should I still tell him about my baby? I had a dead beat dad and it really affected me growing up so that's why I don't want to subject my child the same way. If you were in my position would you still tell the father?

回答 (9)

2017-10-12 5:28 am
Cheer up. Your bastard child could grow up to be the next Jon Snow.
2017-10-12 5:25 am
Not telling him is wrong. If the tables were somehow reversed wouldn't you want someone to tell you? What do you plan on telling your child once they are old enough to find their father? At that point it would be all on you.
2017-10-12 5:18 am
Not telling is wrong. Even if he's an ashole
2017-10-12 5:16 am
get a lawyer
2017-10-12 5:41 am
I hope this is a troll question. It's so stupid that it's hard for me to take it seriously.

Your boyfriend wants to go out out for drinks to celebrate his 28th birthday, so you're not going to tell him that you're pregnant? Seriously?? Because he didn't invite you to hang out, you're going to withhold this from him... what a joke. Tell me you're joking.
2017-10-12 10:48 pm
i would tell him about the baby, he has a right to know and this way you can get after him for child support
2017-10-12 6:40 am
All I can think of is that poor, poor child you are carrying. My comment to him would be get ready because you and I are tied up together for 18 years.
2017-10-12 5:34 am
children change you, I changed when I had my son
2017-10-12 5:55 am
I wouldn't. Men are assholes. I gave two different men the "benefit of the doubt" and then proceeded to watch them be shitty dads. **** it. If I could go back, I would have NEVER included them in our lives. YOU will UNDOUBTEDLY find another man...a REAL MAN, and you'll be fine!! There are THOUSANDS of men out there- TRUST ME- thousands & thousands......

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