公屋家庭成員結婚後是否一定要刪除公屋戶籍? 若果家中有5名成員:爸、媽、姐和2個弟弟,爸是公屋戶主,公屋是3百多尺的單位, 1)姐結婚後會否被房委會強制要刪除公屋戶籍? 2) 結婚後可否保留原本的公屋戶籍?

2017-10-11 5:32 pm

回答 (1)

2017-10-12 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Although you don't have to remove yourself, the reality is you will have to do it eventually. Keep in mind - as soon as you are not removed, you will eventually impact the rest of the family (as your income/assets must be included to your family).

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