Help with Physics?

2017-10-11 3:46 pm
The balloon wire shown in the figure exerts a force F of 900 N on the hook in O. The vertical line AB intersects the plane xz at point A. The angle between the z axis and the line OA is 60 ° and the angle between line OA and F is 45 °. Express F in terms of its components.

回答 (1)

2017-10-11 4:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The component of F along OA direction = 900 cos45° N

The component of F along x axis = (900 cos45°) sin60° N = 551 N
The component of F along y axis = 900 sin45° = 636 N
The component of F along z axis = (900 cos45°) cos60° N = 318 N

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