All water is liquid, but are all liquids water?

2017-10-11 12:42 pm

回答 (21)

2017-10-11 12:46 pm
No, but all dipshits are morons
2017-10-11 1:36 pm
There are many liquids. Water is one the liquids.

Hence, all water is liquid, but not all liquids are water.
2017-10-12 11:40 pm
so.. let's start with your first statement
.. "all water is liquid"

that is FALSE

water is the name we give to substance with molecular formula H2O. That substance can exist is solid, liquid, and vapor phases (among a few others).

as to all liquids being water... also false. Can you think of any other liquids that are not liquid water?
2017-10-12 9:45 pm
does motor oil seem like water to you?
2017-10-12 4:10 pm
Are all liquids water?

Gasoline is a liquid, but it's not water.

Therefore the statement is False
2017-10-11 6:01 pm
Liquid is a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil.
Water is liquid but liquid isn't water. eg. Alcohol is a liquid also.
2017-10-11 12:45 pm
Water is also solid as ice, and vaporous as steam, and mercury is liquid as is molten gold (etc etc) and neither are water.
2017-10-11 12:45 pm
No. These two statements are not interchangeable.
2017-10-12 1:52 am
Try drinking sulfuric acid and let me know if it is the same as water.
2017-10-11 10:23 pm
Hahaha no, all thick bricks are bricks but not all pricks are thick, I mean bricks.
2017-10-14 7:39 am
No. Your premise is wrong anyway.
2017-10-14 3:42 am
Neither one of those statements is true
2017-10-14 1:51 am
2017-10-14 12:20 am
For the most part all water is solid on a Universal scale, in cases it is a gas (not vapour).
And no all liquids are not water (as I take another shot of rum).
2017-10-13 6:12 pm
No.Its not.
2017-10-12 11:33 pm
This is wrong on so many levels. Ice is water, but not a liquid. Bleach is a liquid, but not water.
2017-10-12 10:41 am
Do you put water in your gas tank? Do dairy cows give water? Does Tabasco sell hot water? Do olives get pressed to extract water from them? Do grapes get fermented to make water?

Besides, the premise of your syllogism is false. All water is NOT liquid -- some of it is ice and some of it is steam.
2017-10-12 4:29 am
All monkeys are animals but not all animals are monkeys.
2017-10-11 2:36 pm
No. At room temperature, mercury is liquid. But it is of course not water. Liquid is a state of matter and water is a substance.
2017-10-11 12:49 pm
Good question. The definition of water is 2 Hydrogen atoms bound to 1 oxygen atom (H2O); so NO- all liquids are not water.
2017-10-12 8:54 am
only if all humans are apes.

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