Are these signs of emotional abuse?

2017-10-11 9:00 am
Its about my boyfriend, here is what he does and says to me usually on a daily basis:

-He tells me when he finds other women attractive, not just face but body parts as well and if he'd have sex with them, or if he already has been with them in the past. With celebrities he'll say to me "so and so has nice (body part here), I saw her naked a few times" the same sometimes applies to his female friends who for some reason share the same jobs pertaining to sex shops, stripping, burlesque, etc. Also he'll tell me about how his exes were wild in bed, will go into details of what the exes did with him, and how they have nice body parts as well.

-He likes and comments on pictures of women on his friend list who dress easy or will go nude for a 'photo shoot' on Facebook and if I catch it on the timeline (because you can see everything your friends like) and bring it to his attention he says I'm stalking him and "obsessed with hating women who are comfortable with their body and want to show it off" as he puts it.

-If I speak up about how his sexually explicit comments on other women are hurting me he'll call me jealous and insecure and has said "are you sure you're not just mad because they have the body you wish you had?" and told me I should seek therapy because I need to work through my issues because the way I'm acting towards him "isnt normal".

-When I talk about things I like he'll make fun of it, if I'm sad about something he'll talk about his problems instead.

回答 (3)

2017-10-11 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think so. I don't know him, but to me it looks like he's trying to erode at your self-respect so that he can manipulate you. It's useless to discuss the details of this dynamic with him because he will not care. My suggestion is to cut off contact with him. Also, I'd consider asking a more valid source about this question as many people here will say things like "he's right" just because they're like him and want to justify their actions, and/or they like stepping on vulnerable people because they're twisted.
2017-10-11 9:47 am
Is he still ur boyfriend? Coz I don't think he shd be.
2017-10-11 9:16 am
Hes a*shole

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