
2017-10-10 8:28 pm



回答 (3)

2017-10-11 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please confirm it whether the broker in Vietnam has been notified with the revised B/L.Today the broker certified that the B/L is still incorrect with the modified address but not the item description. Please make sure and take care of this matter. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
2017-10-10 11:56 pm
To ask the American manufacturer that the goods sent to Vietnam have had problems. Enquiry is needed.
----Please confirm whether the amended Bill of Lading content has been corrected according to rules and regulations to the Vietnamese Customs Declarations.
---Today the Vietnamese Customs Declarations informs that the Bill of Lading is still incorrect; only modify the part of the address.But the content of the product description has not been corrected to.
----Please confirm and assist in this matter accordingly.
2017-10-11 2:14 pm
I changed your meaning a bit to make it more logical.

please make sure the Vietnamese Customs has been informed of the amendment of the bill of lading. Vietnamese Custom notifies me that the BL having only the address modified is still incorrect with the content. regarding the product description. Please clarify ; and arrange the necessary follow-ups when needed.

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