The interest-rate opinions of the favorite to succeed her are less clear. 想問這裡的of the favorite to 是什麼意思呢?

2017-10-10 5:36 pm

回答 (2)

2017-10-10 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
favorite 在這裡的意思是關於某個職位或比賽「最有望贏的人」、「最被看好的人」。

to succeed her 是不定詞片語,修飾 favorite,意思是「將接任她職位的的」。 the favorite to succeed her 一起看,就是「最有望接她職位的人」。

再繼續往前看,the opinions of the favorite to succeed her 就是「最有望接她職位那個人的見解或主張」。


The interest-rate opinions of the favorite to succeed her are less clear.
2017-10-10 6:19 pm
What the person should give for unfair advantages, Or give what favour to on the assessing value for her boss=unclear.

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