Why did Elizabeth I never marry?

2017-10-09 5:19 pm

回答 (8)

2017-10-09 8:00 pm
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When she was aged eight, the future Queen Elizabeth I said that she would never marry, and she
kept her word for the rest of her life. In her own day, such a decision was seen to be absurd and
dangerous. A queen needed male heirs in order to avoid conflict between rival claimants for the
throne after her death. She did not lack suitors, but she kept them firmly at arm's length. Elizabeth's
refusal to marry may have been influenced by the disastrous marriage of her sister Mary to Philip II
of Spain. A Catholic prince was not welcome in England. Some experts believe that she may have been afraid
of losing her autonomy as Queen. If she had married, she would have moved down in the royal hierarchy, and
would have become subservient to her husband. Her experience of other marriages in her family made marriage
seem to be too uncertain a state. It is also possible that she feared childbirth, which, in those days,
carried the risk of death for the mother. Elizabeth's own mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed for treason,
and her stepmother, Catherine Howard, suffered the same fate. These terrible events, that she witnessed at a
young age, may have put Elizabeth off marriage. The truth of the matter is, nobody really knows why she never
married. The state of marriage seems to have been too full of risks for her. In the long run, her choice
was the right one for England.
參考: (Book) Elizabeth the Queen. Alison Weir. Cape publishers.
2017-10-09 6:49 pm
If you had seen your father go through 8 marriages, would you?
2017-10-10 10:54 am
Ultimately, Elizabeth would insist she was married to her kingdom and subjects, under divine protection. In 1599, she spoke of "all my husbands, my good people".
2017-10-10 3:09 am
She did not want to give up her power.
For most of history, a widow has more rights than a woman.
2017-10-09 9:49 pm
She was concerned about giving up her power to a husband.
2017-10-09 10:15 pm
Because in her time a wife was always subordinate to her husband, as such a marriage could put a foreigner as the chief executive of England. Considering most of the royal houses of Europe at the time were still Catholic it would make the King of England a Catholic if she married one of them.
2017-10-09 6:51 pm
Think cannot find suitable partner
2017-10-09 5:20 pm
Let me ask her.

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