I am willing to bet that most if not all that refuse to stand for the national anthem (NFL players) never served in our military?

2017-10-09 10:33 am

回答 (10)

2017-10-09 10:59 am
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safe to say ALL did not serve that would not stand
2017-10-09 10:59 am
Considering almost all went from high school to college to the NFL, that's pretty obvious.

Was there a point? There certainly wasn't a question.
2017-10-09 10:41 am
thats possible
2017-10-09 10:36 am
I'm willing to bet that most if not all that are upset about it, never served in the military either. Remember that it was a marine who suggested the kneeling.
2017-10-09 10:36 am
I'm willing to bet none of the people in the current administration complaining about protestors ever served in the military.
2017-10-11 10:44 am
Some people do not know there is a little known rule in the NFL abt standing at attention for the National Anthem. It is not even enforced. But a team can have penalties to an automatic forfeiture of game if team members do not stand for the National Anthem.
2017-10-09 10:48 am
The protests are not against the flag nor the military. This has been spelled out thousands of times.
2017-10-10 5:46 am
I can't understand why in "the land of the free" people are getting so upset about others doing as they want.
More like "Land of the free as long as you do what I say"
2017-10-09 1:30 pm
2017-10-09 11:39 am
I am also willing to bet most if not all that are most outraged about it never served in the military.

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