What are some things that I can do in Vancouver Nov 22-27?

2017-10-09 4:42 am
I'll be taking a vacation in Vancouver next month from Nov 22-27. What are some things that are fun to do and some cool places to check out? I'll be staying at a hotel Downtown. I like good food, live music, tourist attractions, cool bars, nightclubs, modern art, and just walking around to explore. I'm a 23 year old male (if that would matter). Are there any recommendations?

P.S. I don't mind the rain at all. :)

回答 (2)

2017-10-09 5:02 am
Grab some water, pack a lunch or get take out, and spend some time walking around in Pacific Spirit park, which is absolutely awesome, with huge trees and well-maintained trails.

Visit Queen Elizabeth Park and enjoy a fancy lunch and the view from Seasons in the Park.

See totem poles, and a bridge overlook Prospect Point, in Stanley Park.
2017-10-11 12:28 pm
Granville Street (nightlife)
Robson Street (shopping, restaurants)
Granville Island (daytime shopping, night time restaurants, bars, theatres
Grouse Mountain (gondola, skiing, snow boarding)
Spanish Banks (beaches)
Kitsilano Beach
Gastown (day/night shopping, restaurants, bars)
Vancouver Art Gallery
Museum of Anthropology
Check out the calendar of events at Fox Theatre

... to name a few

Good luck and welcome to Vancouver!!

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