Can I get a rough estimate of how Much it would cost for a 16 year old to have full coverage insurance on a 2014 Ford Focus SE hatchback?

2017-10-08 1:46 pm

回答 (19)

2017-10-08 9:44 pm
Somewhere between $50 and $5000. If you want a BETTER estimate, pick up a telephone and call an insurance agent.
2017-10-08 1:55 pm
Only from insurance companies.
2017-10-08 2:39 pm
2017-10-08 1:56 pm
Couple of hundred per month. Guys between 16 and 25 pay the highest for car insurance because they drive the most aggressive during these ages and they’re the most likely to get into an accident.
2017-10-13 1:10 am
around 7200 a year
2017-10-09 8:29 pm
At least you're realistic, not like most kids who want muscle cars. Unfortunately its still going to coat a fortune.
2017-10-09 9:18 am
As a minor you need to be covered under the folks insurance. Gave them check to see how much it will cost. Variables include state of residence, type of car, location of home, etc.
2017-10-08 4:00 pm
Sure, no problem. It's going to cost a god blasted fortune. We're talking anywhere from an arm & a leg all the way up to holy Jesus Christ are you serious here.

Good thing you only wanted a rough estimate. If you wanted something with numbers in it, everyone (who knows how it works) would tell you to call up an insurance broker or six and ask them.

But I know it will be a lot, because you said 16 and full coverage. You'll probably pay more for insurance than you will for the vehicle, in fact.
2017-10-08 10:33 pm
You cannot get a rough estimate without saying where you live. The price is one place is not roughly the same as another.

It would be 50 if you live where it is 50 and it would be 10000 if you live where it is 10000.

Every number is roughly what it would be, somewhere.

It would be what it is only where you live. It would not be roughly what it is anywhere else.
2017-10-09 11:15 pm
Since you're sixteen I presume you still live at home. Have your parents add the car to their insurance policy with you as primary driver. If you are a A/B student they will get a 20% discount. It will be your responsibility to pay your portion of the insurance. If they agree your payment will be under 100.00 per month. Good luck!!!

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