okayyyyy, so on Wednesday my boyfriend got caught sneaking in. what should I do?

2017-10-08 6:47 am
Mum and dad were both angry for like a day as they should be, took my phone off my all that, but they still love him and they've told me that he is welcome here when ever as long as they know about it, but **** happens and we made a mistake. However, while I didn't have my phone my boyfriend snuck out to go to party, without his mum knowing about the previous night and this party and when I got my phone back the next morning, everyone had texted me asking where he was and if he was with me, they all thought he was missing and no one knew where he was. i was freaking out because I thought he had been hurt, until later that morning my boyfriend and his mum came around to my house and started insulting my dad, dad told them to please leave as he has things going on and didn't want to deal with his mum at that moment and he didn't really know what to tell her as she knew everything that had happened, so when she left and as she left she told me id never see him again, he told my friends he loves me and his phone has been taken off him and no one has contact with him. I know where he lives and just wondering what I should do, should I go see him and apologise to his mum or leave it. I also don't understand why she was so mad and told me id never see him again when we live in a small country town, and the moment I'm just so confused and have no idea where to go from here, because a mistake lead to such a big event, this is of coarse not the whole story but its the important details

I think his other is mad because she found out about him sneaking in a day later, shes not angry at anyone specific just shes angry at my family, him and me. however our family haven't been introduced to each other yet so its not like we had their number or were very close. I'm so confused, was it made a bigger deal than it was meant to be or not?????

回答 (3)

2017-10-08 8:31 am
maybe you should apologize, that might help
2017-10-08 8:27 am
Apologize to your mom. Stop sneaking around and acting so immaturely. Don't let it happen again.
2017-10-08 7:01 am
Sorry, but this is entirely unclear and makes no sense. His mother is angry at you and your family? For WHAT exactly? That part of this story just doesn't seem to fit anything logical.

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