關於英文over two years of construction的句型問題。?

2017-10-07 9:32 pm
The Eiffel tower was built in just over two years of construction , a miracle in those days.
請問知識大大們,此句 over two years of construction 是使用什麼文法呢?翻譯起來也怪怪的,建造的兩餘年?再來想請問,a miracle in those days前面為什麼不用有主詞、動詞呢?--, and it was a miracle in those days.謝謝。: )

回答 (2)

2017-10-07 10:32 pm
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英語 A of B 的構造,不是絕對從後面看起,解釋為 「B 的 A」,有時是 「A 的 B」,特別是 A 是數量或時間單位時:

a cup of water
一杯的水 (一杯水)

two years of learning
兩年的學習 (兩年學習)

這裡 over two years of construction 就是「超過兩年(的)建造」。

但其實這句的學習重點應該在 just 這個字,這裡 just 不是「剛剛」、也不只有「僅僅」的意思。 just 在這裡是 slightly、 a little 「稍稍」、「些微」。所以:

The Eiffel tower was built in just over two years of construction
= The Eiffel tower was built in slightly over two years of construction
= The Eiffel tower was built in a little over two years of construction

逗點後的 a miracle in those days 確實是省略用法,省略連接詞、主詞、動詞,不過用 and it was 不好, 應該用 which was,也就是文法上所謂關係代名詞 which 代替前面整句,表示「前述之事」,因而整句的理解應該是:

The Eiffel tower was built in a little over two years of construction, which was a miracle in those days.
2017-10-07 10:31 pm
In this pattern the S+vt is followed by an adverbial phrase of duration, which is obligatory.With verb marked "which is"="And it is" to be ommited in (which is) a miracle in those days."Which" is the relative pronoun as the subject of the verb "was built" in the main clause.
The Eiffel tower was built-----------Subject + vt.
in just over two years of construction------adverbial phrase and is a prepositional phrase;(just=only;merely;introducing adverbials of time=when=adverb phrase of time.)
(which is) a miracle in those days--------adverbial phrase.

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