Comfortable and cheap mattress.?

2017-10-07 12:08 pm
Hi guys. I'm on the market for a mattress, but I only have a $350 budget.

Do you guys have any recommendations for comfortable mattresses within that are $350.

btw, I prefer a medium-firm mattress.

回答 (4)

2017-10-08 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
check out discount furniture outlets to purchase one in your price range.
2017-10-07 12:14 pm
You spend 1/3 of you life asleep. Get a good mattress. I recommend Tempurpedic. I personally bought a mattress from the Marriot website. The sell the same mattresses they use in the motels, which are great mattresses.
2017-10-07 3:45 pm
What size. If it's a twin . Then the choices are much greater
2017-10-07 12:30 pm
Well for $350 you will get good quality matresses.Try to choose high quality product.
Mattress should be always give best comfort to the user ,expensive matresses doestnt seem to be better always.
If you have any back pain or neck pain you should defenitely choose medium- firm.,it will get relax your body

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