How to deal with an unwanted crush?

2017-10-07 5:16 am
He confessed that he loves me, and I’ve briefly told him that I don’t share the same feelings and that I only consider him as a colleage. I kept talking to him as if nothing happened since we meet almkst everyday in uni. He keeps texting me more than ever and sometimes I get drifted... I told him to stop texting me unless it is something urgent. He apologized and said that he couldn’t control himself and he will only text me things related to uni. He begged me twice to remain his friend and that he’ll not bother me anymore. I thought he got it that I am not gonna be into him no matter what, but I was wrong. I feel that he thinks I’m concealing my feelings or he is just trying to gain my attention. If he wasn’t a good friend and I didn’t know him for that long I would’ve neglected him altogether, but it would be rude to do so. I’m lost, so what do you think I should do?

回答 (2)

2017-10-07 5:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you just need to be upfront with him. Say 'Look, I'm happy to be with friends with you and I enjoy having you as a friend, but I have to be honest, it feels like you're still trying to pursue me and while it's sweet I think you're hoping that it will somehow sway my feelings toward you and that's just not happening. It's not that I don't think you're a good person, but I don't want to give you the wrong idea either. I like you as a friend, but that's all it is.'
2017-10-07 5:23 am
You really don't want to be personally/emotionally involved with someone who cannot control themselves, do you? Perhaps you should tell him.

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