Obtaining authorization for credit bureaus?

2017-10-06 5:40 am
If a credit agency says they do not have authorization to report your debt to a credit bureau, Would they be able to obtain the authorization or not? If so are they obligated to let you know if you don’t pay it would be reported to the bureaus

回答 (5)

2017-10-06 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
If a collection agency says that they do not have authorization, then they probably have authorization. They almost never tell the truth about anything, especially on the phone. I know of only one case of them saying something that was true, and that was "this is America". So if they say something to you and you don't know if it was true, then it's probably not.

Not only are they not "obligated" to tell you before something it reported to the bureaus, they are usually not able to tell you, because the debt is usually reported to the bureaus months before they even learn about it. If they have already said anything, even just to tell you that there is a debt, then it almost certainly has been reported already.
2017-10-06 6:01 am
What do you mean by "credit agency?" "Credit reporting agency" and "credit bureau" are synonymous terms.

If you are referring to creditors who don't report to credit bureaus -- such as payday loan stores, pawn shops, or title loan stores -- then nothing that you do with them is reported, either good or bad.
2017-10-06 6:40 am
Why would you even dream up the thought that they may have an obligation to inform you that you are being reported? That alone made your post comical.
2017-10-06 7:46 am
A credit agency is the same as a credit bureau. The big three.
2017-10-06 5:44 am
There's no authorization, this question makes no sense. Creditors will report things to credit bureaus if they can't collect from you, full stop. They would rather settle the debt with you directly, since collection agencies often only collect partial payments and take their cut for the service.

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