2017-10-05 12:20 pm

回答 (6)

2017-10-05 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We have enough in the ground to supply our oil demands for a long long long time.. We really don't need to import oil... In fact we have capped so many wells because the demand is less then our supply. As long as oil prices stay this low, we won't uncap the wells, it's cheaper to import it at the moment.
2017-10-05 12:27 pm
According to Wikipedia, the US had 36.4 billion barrels of reserves at the end of 2014. But that doesn't count 'strategic' reserves, which we keep for defense purpose. This is a 90% increase since 2008.

Supposedly we have another (estimated) 198 billion barrels of undiscovered but retrievable oil.
2017-10-05 12:47 pm
Turns out, it's a lot!

With Fracking, the USA is able to extract Shale Oil. Turns out, the USA is the Saudia Arabia of Shale Oil. The last estimate in 2016 that I saw said the USA had Shale Oil reserves of 6 TRILLION barrels.
2017-10-05 12:25 pm
I have a whole bunch in the crick in my back yard ever since Presadent Trump said it was alright to dump it there.
2017-10-05 12:24 pm
2 ml.
2017-10-05 1:46 pm
All of it.

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