According to the laws of quantum physcics information cannot be lost?

2017-10-05 5:28 am
But if i overwrite all data on a hdd with 0 then is the information lost or altered if it is only modified then whyis it near impossiable to retireve the data from that hdd?

回答 (5)

2017-10-05 1:07 pm
You have to understand that information at the quantum state level is not the same as information at the macro level. For instance, much of the information in quantum mechanics is in entanglement which is generally not involved in macro levels of information. The same is true to deal with the apparent contradiction between entropy and quantum information conservation. Not the same definition of information. It’s a very complicated subject and a few paragraphs on YA is not going to be useful.
2017-10-06 12:23 am
you are confusion the definitions of "information"

an example
in the normal world if you write a letter the meaning of the words you have written contain "information" and thats all the information the letter contains (that information you are transmitting to whoever you are sending the letter to)
However in the quantum world those words contain no "information" at all
in this world every atom on that sheet of paper contains "information"(and its got nothing to do with entanglement)
cos the quantum world aint interested in "words" and their meaning only "atoms"

in your case
the hdd before you wiped it contained "quantum world information" + "your information" in the arrangements of atoms on the hdd holding "your information"
AFTER you wiped it - it contained the same "quantum world information", but none of "your information"

All you did by wiping was rearrange the atoms on the hdd,to delete "your information"

i,e at the quantum level no information has been lost (or gained) - but your information is gone
(e.g if you write a letter you have added "your information" onto the paper
if you now erase "your information" its gone - but the paper you wrote on is exactly the same as it was before)
2017-10-05 9:35 am
Overwriting the data is a massive, non-quantum event. That's why it's hard to recover the data: many millions of atomic particles are involved. Nevertheless, at the quantum level it is possible in theory to undo those millions of quantum events and recover the data. It just takes a few billion to the billionth power years, that's all.
2017-10-05 6:14 am
According to the laws of entropy information is monotonically lost.
The universe progresses from a state of order to a state of disorder.
One in which eventually there is zero difference through the universe and hence no information of any sort.
2017-10-05 5:35 am
Data is NOT information...

The number of bits (the information) is effectively the same before and after you re-write the data.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:51:48
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