Does PIE=Infinite since the decimals of PIE goes on forever?

2017-10-05 5:20 am

回答 (7)

2017-10-05 5:25 am
π ≠ ∞
The decimals of 0.333... go on forever, but 0.333... = ⅓, not ∞.
2017-10-05 6:12 am
3.14 < π < 3.15

π is not infinite. Yes, it is an infinite sum, but it converges. Each successive digit makes a smaller contribution to the whole than the digit before, as is characteristic of the place-value number system we use.

“Pi” is the name of the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet (π) that we use to represent the ratio of circumference to diameter. “Pie” is a pastry that has nothing to do with math, generally, except to offer a nice visual representation of fractions when it is cut into uniform slices.
2017-10-05 6:07 am
NO. PIE = Yummy dessert.

PI = finite value = ratio of a circle's circumference and diameter

Just because π (spelled pi) goes on forever, does NOT mean that it is equal to infinity.
2017-10-05 5:39 am
No. The number of digits in decimal version of 1/7 also goes on forever.
2017-10-05 5:29 am
Yes. Pi = 3.14159... = 3 + 0.1 + 0.04 + 0.001 + 0.0005 + 0.00009 + ...

But Pi is not unique in this respect. Any infinite string of decimal digits represents a real number in exactly this way. On can define the set of real numbers as the set of all such infinite strings of decimals.
2017-10-05 5:26 am
Pie is finite number; a good numerical approximation is 3.14159
2017-10-05 5:22 am
Pie doesn't have a finite numeric value, but it still equals a number.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:51:26
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