I sold an item on eBay and I put $9.09 for the shipping cost. The buyer paid for the shipping. How do I print out the shipping label?

2017-10-05 1:46 am

I sold an item on eBay and with $9.09 for the shipping cost. The buyer paid for the shipping. How do I print out the shipping label?


I sold an item on eBay with $9.09 for the shipping cost. The buyer paid for the shipping. How do I print out the shipping label?

回答 (3)

2017-10-05 1:54 am
You schedule shipping and get one from the provider (FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc). They paid for it, but you are the one responsible for actually shipping the item...
First time seller I'm guessing...
2017-10-06 12:53 am
You can hand write it and pay at your post office (the customer paid you, you've got the money now).
2017-10-05 2:02 am
1st I take it you checked it covered the cost?

Next which company did you check the price with?

Whoever it was with go to their website and follow their instructions for getting your item shipped?

If you have no shipping provider, then look for one online that you like? Or go to your local USPS office or in UK Post Office and post from there?

Make sure your item is well packaged.

700+ Ebay feedback 100%

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