I had a book out with rights reverted to me but now still see the book on sale from distributors as new..why?

2017-10-04 5:26 pm
Was about a year ago rights were reverted.

回答 (4)

2017-10-04 6:21 pm
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If it's print as opposed to ebook, the publisher or distributor may still have had some unsold copies. I would expect that your publishing contract allows the publisher to sell those, but not print any new ones.

If you see the book listed as "new" by third-party sellers on Amazon, that just means their copy of the book has never been sold by a retailer to a consumer. It could have been printed years ago and been sitting in a warehouse.
2017-10-04 11:35 pm
Good answers on print books already, but if it's an ebook, you need to contact the former publisher and demand--politely--that they remove it from all points of sale.

I had this happen just last week. I recognize any business can have some detail fall through the cracks, but I was pretty steamed it was still for sale everywhere even though I now held the rights.
2017-10-04 10:18 pm
Read your contract, if the book went out of print, all rights go back to the author. If it's considered IN print, the publisher can reprint it.
2017-10-05 3:13 am
You will see that for years as long s there are unsold copies form the first printings.

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