Will Trump win again /?

2017-10-02 9:21 pm

回答 (24)

2017-10-02 9:22 pm
2017-10-02 9:22 pm
Everyone I know thinks so
2017-10-03 7:11 am
2017-10-02 9:40 pm
You'd better hope not. The guy hasn't got ANYTHING done. Not ONE of his promises have been fulfilled - and he has a majority in both chambers of Congress. He's failed four times at health-care reform - legislation that he said he'd sign on Day One.

There's a reason why he has six bankruptcies under his belt. He's incompetent.
2017-10-02 9:23 pm
Too early to tell. Trump MAY not even run again, but if Hillary was the best candidate the Democrats could come up with, pretty much ANY serious Republican nominee could beat her.
2017-10-02 9:23 pm
They're gonna have to gerrymander this sh!t even harder in 2020 to pull that off. But how far can you stretch the system before it breaks?
2017-10-02 9:23 pm
He won last time because the media kept trying to demonize him while pampering and adoring Hillary as if everyone loved her.

If they keep this up, it's either because they WANT Trump to win or because they just really are slow to learn.
2017-10-02 9:25 pm
NOT in this lifetime. someone will probably let him "win" a one-way ticket to Russia (I'd help fund that so he can go First Class). He keeps winning the Darwinian bobby Prize month after month... sheesh, he's been winning since he has been unopposed all along!
2017-10-04 11:05 am
2017-10-04 6:45 am
He won't even be on the ballot again!
2017-10-04 5:07 am
He never won in the first place.
2017-10-03 10:57 pm
Yes. If Americans mandate him again for president.
2017-10-03 3:52 pm
As long as he's still in good health it's likely. Most presidents who run for a 2nd term win. Only 5 incumbent presidents have ever lost their bid for reelection, and that success has little to do with approval ratings during the 1st year of their first term. There are so many things that could happen between now and then. For instance, a war.
2017-10-03 2:58 pm
I know it's unusual, but I believe it's entirely possible Trump will not get the Republican nomination for 2020. If he doesn't, he definitely does not have a chance running independently or for a third party.

The Democrats would be foolish to give the nomination to Hilary again, but so far she's claiming she won't run again.

The other factor is that there will be many new young voters in 2020. Many of the people I know in that age group are anti-Trump. Of course, that's only in my area and family.
2017-10-03 1:41 am
the biggest loser award
2017-10-03 12:16 am
This is the USA so he just might....remembering that no one thought he had a chance, including himself, when he won the first time.

He repeatedly said that he did not think he would win and even went so far as to say he would not take office if he did win...but apparently he changed his mind as to that regard...
2017-10-02 9:36 pm
As much as I hate to say it, it's very likely. It's surprisingly difficult to get rid of standing President, and Trump has some very faithful followers. The Democrats have a lot of work to do to put forth a candidate who can beat him, and Trump is sure to find ways to discredit and humiliate that candidate in ways that make will him or her less effective.
2017-10-02 9:32 pm
I thought that both he and Hillary were too old in '16
In ' 20 Trumps' rapidly deteriorating mental capacity will result in him being the first vegetable to run for president
2017-10-02 9:29 pm
2017-10-02 9:27 pm
The Democrats will probably run Chelsea Clinton, so, yeah.
2017-10-02 9:26 pm
If he does I will know for sure that America has tipped over the edge.
2017-10-02 9:26 pm
Not unless we get a bigger group of brainwashed gullible easily fooled morons to vote for him. Oh and Russian help of course. He is OVER .. a one timer that may be gone before 2020.. PS He is not a Winner anyway
2017-10-02 9:40 pm
If the Democrats and left keep doubling down on the tactics and rhetoric that got Trump elected to begin with, as they have for the majority of 2017, then I'd say it is practically assured.
2017-10-02 9:29 pm
"Yes and the south will rise again".

- Confederate flag waving Trump supporter

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