Ammonia fountain?

2017-10-02 7:50 pm
The fountain experiment was performed using a colorless gas.

A. Pls state 2 properties of the gas shown by this experiment.

B. NAME a gas you'd expect to give these results.

回答 (3)

2017-10-02 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The fountain experiment was performed using a colorless gas.

A. Pls state 2 properties of the gas shown by this experiment.
(i) __very soluble in water__
(ii) __its aqueous solution is alkaline__

B. NAME a gas you'd expect to give these results.
2017-10-02 8:14 pm
A. Pls state 2 properties of the gas shown by this experiment.
(i) colourless
(ii) very soluble in water

B. NAME a gas you'd expect to give these results.
As you stated: Ammonia.
2017-10-02 7:59 pm
It's pronounced pneumonia

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