is it true that religion was the reason why people assume women are inferior to men?

2017-10-02 5:57 pm

回答 (23)

2017-10-02 6:23 pm
From my soon to be published book, "Things I Never Learned in Catholic Schools"... "Sexism" .

.Millions of years ago when our cave dwelling ancestors were first able to control fire (big event) the specialization of the sexes became more pronounced. Whoever tended that fire controlled the food, warmth, light and protection for the group . . .My guess is the fire tender was female (who has evolved soft). . .The guys (who evolved more thick skinned) were out battling mastodons for food.

The big event . . .control of fire . . . was a gift from a mysterious, heavenly force . . .Fire had to be revered. This control of fire, whenever and where ever it happened, led man to believe that he had at least partial control over a force from the Heavens. This put Man “in touch” with God.

The women kept the fire, the focal point (magical/mystical) of the domain, and it was her domain (just like today). Hunting males would decide moves to new locals but an elder women ruled as she reared the children and kept the fire. (The hand that rocks the cradle) The males must have been in awe of the female . . . She could make babies . . .She could breast feed and nurture . . . The elder woman also knew the secrets of the seeds and berries. She was the gatherer using brain, he was the hunter using brawn . . .what a team. The offspring got the best of both from generation to generation. The males, I’m sure, took out the dead carcases without having to be told.

It was this thick skinned male who would compete and interact with other thick skinned males to determine the politics and economics of the hunt. The women kept the fire, the focal point (magical/mystical) of the domain, and it was her domain (just like today). Hunting males would decide moves to new locals but an elder women ruled as she reared the children and kept the fire. (The hand that rocks the cradle) The males must have been in awe of the female . . . She could make babies . . .She could breast feed and nurture . . . The elder woman also knew the secrets of the seeds and berries. She was the gatherer using brain, he was the hunter using brawn . . .what a team. The offspring got the best of both from generation to generation. The males, I’m sure, took out the dead carcases without having to be told.

It was this thick skinned male who would compete and interact with other thick skinned males to determine the politics and economics of the hunt. You've heard it before . . . He was out drinking mead with the guys while she was slaving over a hot fire and watching the kids .

Prior to the Bible It was the soft female who would comfort the children during lightning storms with explanations involving powerful forces who create storms to reward mankind with good hunting, gathering and child rearing. From this we could say that Philosophy came from women.

When politics and philosophy merged into religion and leadership was up for grabs the males were at the forefront . . .the gals were still home rocking-the-cradle . . .

The males established the social order . . .Males created politics . .

At the time of The Bibles women were just a piece of property.
This took us to the 21st Century and where we hear ...
.”Bring me a beer *****, and quiet those kids down." 😁
2017-10-02 6:10 pm
Not necessarily but it can be heavily credited for that.
參考: God is sexist.
2017-10-02 6:16 pm
Religion still IS the reason why people assume women are inferior to men!
Everybody sane and rational rejected this nonsense long ago!
2017-10-02 6:11 pm
Yes, since many religions long ago declared
that women were to be subservient to men, and that declaration has continued to have traction ever since.
2017-10-02 6:09 pm
yes many religions rules control women
2017-10-02 5:59 pm
Pretty much, yeah.
Hundreds of years of a massive powerful strcuture like a church ruling the world, telling people that women are inferior, will leave a nasty mark.
2017-10-02 6:44 pm
No. That assumption is as old as humanity. Because women were deemed inferior in terms of physical strength. And their inability to participate in war.
2017-10-02 6:08 pm
No. Octupus Complex
參考: Freud
2017-10-02 6:13 pm
No dear ... and "religion" is a very broad term covering a multitude of habitual following.

My faith, a way of life, not "religion" - honours, values, loves and respects women.
2017-10-02 5:58 pm
Only religions devised by men for men.

With obvious exceptions of eg Sikhism
2017-10-02 6:10 pm
No, it is simply a fact.
參考: Common sense.
2017-10-02 9:12 pm
No. By virtue of being generally larger, stronger, and more violent, men were considered dominant among humans as the males generally are in the animal world.
2017-10-02 7:40 pm
YHVH GOD never said that women are inferior to men, just not as strong. God never took a part of bone from the head so that men would not rule over women, He never took bone from the foot so men should not trample women down, BUT He took a rib from Adams side so that a woman would be beside her husband as co- heirs and equals. However the final decision after discusion should be the husbands.
2017-10-02 7:21 pm
No it's not true that the reason why females are seen as inferior to males is simply because of religion. Christianity teaches that Adam was created first and Eve as his helper, but simple observation shows that in many respects men are superior to women. They’re on the whole bigger, stronger and brainier. That's generally speaking of course, there’ll always be exceptions. But the point is that males, as you find in the animal kingdom, act as the main breadwinner and protector and therefore need to have abilities which transcend those of females. Female bodies are obviously designed to birth and rear children and it's not their role to act on equal terms with males. This is one of the reasons why the present world is in such a mess. We’ve allowed women the vote and the opportunity to become politicians and have positions over men when they're not suited to that role. Governing and managing others should be a male preserve.
2017-10-02 7:16 pm
Some religions clearly define gender roles, others not so much.

It’s pure evolutionary fact that different genders perform different tasks more effectively. In the * modern * age these inherent differences are muted by technology and abundance, but obviously in the past our ancestors were not afforded such luxury.

I wouldn’t concern yourself too much with gender equality ( especially in developed countries) as with modern technology we have far greater concerns, especially with genetic manipulation and AI. These facts will potentially show us all what real evolutionary inequality is.
2017-10-02 8:50 pm
I wouldn't say that it's the only reason why, but it definitely reinforces and perpetuates the ignorant idea.
2017-10-02 6:50 pm
Many religions promote the abuse of women.
2017-10-02 6:03 pm
No, because with breasts, it is logical they have no need for brains. We have strayed from that concept because of feminism.
2017-10-03 6:49 am
No, not the true religion. Ephesians 5:28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself,
2017-10-03 12:50 am
Initially it's the other way around, the major religions that we have today say that women are inferior because they were already largely considered as the property/servants of men by human societies, and this was therefore written into the stories.

Nowadays, there are people who consider women to be inferior because of what is written into the religious myths.
2017-10-03 12:05 am
No, they just wanted to control women.
2017-10-02 7:45 pm
Not really. Man is the reason women are thought of as being inferior. The bible teaches that women are servants to man because the bible was written by man in a time when women were looked on as property and had less value than cattle. But it goes back to man's thinking.
2017-10-02 7:06 pm
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow, thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

1 Peter 3:1 "Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands"

Ephesians 5:22 - 24:

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Corinthians 14:34-35.

34 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.

35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
2017-10-02 7:09 pm
Power hunger!
Jesus has woman disciples in the New Testament! How many men state, admit, to this? Jesus only required for the woman Not to be married, to be a disciple. Not to cause problems in the marriage.
Yet Jesus also taught IF we never married and gave ALL to GOD, that is best.

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