徵求法律意見 徵求法律意見本人近來犯了偷竊罪,案情是我在某深夜在ok偷了一盒(痛利必)止痛藥,後來店員看閉路電視後報警,兩天後被警方拘捕,之後以$500保釋候審,12號上庭。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?

2017-10-02 5:05 am

回答 (1)

2017-10-04 6:36 pm
1. No method. If you are found guilty this time, you will be sentenced for imprisonment.

2. No. You are a repeat offender. There is no reasonable expectation that you don't know the consequence.

Keep in mind - your sentencing will have to be reduced if you plead guilty.

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