1975 351m Blowing coolant pressure.?

2017-10-02 12:53 am
I've just blown out the side tank of my second radiator. The car doesn't overheat while running. It doesn't boil over to the overflow. It has a 13 psi cap that doesn't pop either. After shut down it busts the seam on the radiator. any suggestions?

回答 (3)

2017-10-02 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Put a pressure tester on the radiator while cold and watch how fast and how high the pressure builds up. If it goes over 40 pounds before the coolant is at operating temperature you'll need to do the head gaskets and have the heads pressure tested for cracks.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-10-03 5:51 am
Bad head gasket or cracked head allowing engine compression and combustion to pressurize the cooling system bursting the radiator.
2017-10-02 12:59 am
1. get a new radiator (if its original then it would have metal fatigue and fail quicker)
2. verify that the coolant is the proper ratio (too much water will increase pressure too much and bust the side)
3. replace the cap (old caps dont measure the pressure correctly)
4. if you REALLY want to stop stop that from happening then get a new rad and a new cap and replace the coolant with waterless coolant (it builds up no pressure and has a MUCH higher boiling point and much lower freezing point, and it can last as long as the car)

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:45:57
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