Are liberals allergic to facts and logic?

2017-09-30 8:54 am

回答 (11)

2017-09-30 9:20 am
2017-09-30 8:58 am
you would have to locate some first, to be able to test that
2017-10-02 12:32 am
2017-09-30 9:13 am
Says a conservative who still believes Bush43 was a great President for ignoring terrorism until 9/11/2001!
2017-09-30 8:56 am
White race struggle with facts and logic, because the entire race is inbred
2017-10-01 9:28 pm
No, are conservatards?
2017-09-30 1:34 pm
Nope, just con b.s.
2017-09-30 9:09 am
You mean like how a first trimester abortion has a lower maternal mortality rate than a pregnancy carried to term
2017-09-30 9:22 am
Facts and logic do not exist in the US at all
2017-09-30 8:54 am
Yes i am
2017-09-30 8:58 am
Yes, they are.
They avoided this question like it was the plague!
Can the Progressive Democrats that voted for Barack in 2012 and Hillary in 2016 tell me when we know that Russia is bad?

Yinz almost DIED laughing during the 2012 U.S.Pres. debates when Barack told Mitt, "Russia called, they want their 80's policy back"! Yet when Hillary lost in 2016 you blamed it on Russian hacking/collusion. Were yinz laughing in the early hours of Nov. 9th, 2016? Source: Romney was right about Russia (Opinion) - CNN -... show more

1 answer · Elections · 2 hours ago

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