Property tax doubled!?

2017-09-30 2:11 am
I bought a house on April 2016 for $339,000 in California. The property tax was total $3560 (for 2016-2017). But this year(2017-2018), It doubled to $7069!!

I didn t add anything special to my house (room, garden, yard, etc)
There aren t any new school.

I don t know what I need to do. It really confuses me.

Thank you for all the answers. I called and know that there are Direct Levy's Portion of $3450 added. $7000-$3450 is around the same as last year so it is fine now. Mine is a new build house so Prop 13 doesn't affect me.

回答 (9)

2017-09-30 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The 16/17 bill was based on the assessed value BEFORE you bought the house. The new bill is based on the assessed value that was reset when you bought the house. Didn't you read about Prop 13 before you bought your house?? This is common sense for CA.
2017-09-30 3:51 am
Welcome to home ownership.
2017-09-30 3:08 am
The previous homeowners property taxes are in no way related to your property taxes. Property taxes in California are based on the purchase price of the home. It's called "PROP 13".

If you purchased your home from a parent or grandparent, you can have the re-assessment removed. Contact your county assessor's office and they will walk you through what you need to do to receive this exemption.

This is why there are many senior citizens in California with extremely high valued homes and pay minimal property taxes.
2017-09-30 3:30 am
the previous tax bill was the rate the previous owner had related to Prop 13, since you are a new owner and not related to the seller you are now being charged the current rate
Prop 13 limited the raise in property taxes to the continual owner but only stayed with that owner and/or his direct relatives, new owners will be charged the rate as it has increased over the years the prop has been in effect
2017-09-30 2:44 am
What was your house assessed at in 2016 at the time of the purchase? Is $339k the assessed value according to your county? If so, then the increase is not logical. At most, the taxable value is 2% higher (per Prop 13) than the original assessed value (not purchase price) which puts it at $346k. At 1% tax, you're looking at about $3,460 plus special assessments for your city/county of a couple hundred at most.

So either your original assessment is much higher than the sale price and the $3,560 represented a prorated portion of the annual tax bill due to timing of your purchase or your current bill includes an unpaid balance from previous periods.
2017-09-30 6:32 am
On $339,000 in California you think you year's taxes are ONLY

"The $3560 is full-year. I got two bill as $1779.97 each."

2017-09-30 2:13 am
You paid for a half year the first time as you did not own that place for a full year.
2017-09-30 2:47 am
The assessment probably went up due to the price you paid for it. It also may have had other exemptions applied to it (senior, veteran, etc.) Check what it's assessed for now vs. what it was before you bought it.
2017-09-30 2:21 am
The home has been re-assessed. Check with the tax assessor as most have a process by which you can challenge the assessment.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:52:10
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