Girlfriend lost her job...?

2017-09-30 12:37 am
Girlfriend has a car payment and wants me to pay for rent because she can't afford it this month. She knew she had responsibilities when we moved into this apartment 6 months ago. Her job also have her 3 weeks notice of the termination date, and she still hasn't been putting effort in to apply very often, she claims she's too busy with her business she's trying to establish on the side and work when she was employed. Lately I've been more independent then she has with smart choices in life, and she hasn't. I'm always cleaning, cooking, and working very hard. I'm just very disappointed in her for not trying to be more independent with her finances and life in general. I'm upset at this point... Should I move on when my lease is up or give her some time ?

回答 (2)

2017-09-30 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I understand your frustration and understand more that you're not married, but...what would happen if you were married? Would you just bail out on your wife when times got hard? Would you just move out because she didn't have a job?

Regardless of her having 3 weeks or not, losing your job is almost an identity crisis. You feel worthless, like you're not good enough. My husband just went through it. He was depressed, upset, but I did not for a second think about bailing.

Again, I know you're not married, but you can't tuck your tail and run every time life gets messy, because it's going to happen again. And you can't sit there and say, "Well, I would do this and I'm like this, why isn't SHE like this?" Because she's not you, dude. You are two completely different people with completely different reactions to different things. If you were to lose your job, you may be the kind to have 18 lined up. Ok. That's YOU, not her.

I mean, bail if you want to, but it's pretty shitty that you're not being more supportive. If this continues for more than 6 months? THEN I would be pissed, but it's been less than a month, for crying out loud.
2017-09-30 12:47 am
What would happen if it was you who was struggling to pay the rent? Might she help you out a bit? It would appear that you both have things to learn abut reltionahips - as do we all!

I am a little confused. Recently you have asked about dating a Spanish girl and an older woman.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:45:26
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