If a nuclear strike from North Korea was about to hit your country and your region in under 10 minutes, what would your mindset reaction be?

2017-09-29 5:08 pm
Please spare me the tough talk also as I know a lot of people try to act badass but I think if it really happened they would not be quite so brazen about it.

Try and leave your ego at the door and answer this one without it. What would your reaction and mindset be before being vaporised?

回答 (3)

2017-09-29 10:11 pm
Sit comfortably, lean head forward, kiss *** good bye.
2017-09-29 9:33 pm
I think it is reasonable to assume everyone would be terrified and horrified, don't you?
2017-09-29 8:48 pm
Well, I'd pray, and stick with my family. Also, probably try and get some chocolate.. haha. But, seriously, I would leave it in Gods hands. Whatever will be will be.

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