我需要中翻英紅茶 綠茶 奶茶?

2017-09-29 1:17 pm

回答 (3)

2017-09-29 1:48 pm
To Tone Tone:-
Tea is a hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves from a particular Asian bush whose leaves are used to make tea from tea plantations,Or a cup of this drink.
Would you like a cup of tea ?
Do you take milk and sugar in your tea ?
Q&A:-Red tea, Green tea; Cream tea.
(Chinese way of speaking-----milk tea.)
2017-09-29 7:38 pm
2017-09-29 6:15 pm
紅茶-black tea

綠茶-green tea

奶茶- milk tea

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