Why is Gas so expensive..?

2017-09-29 5:43 am
Why is Gas so expensive for a vehicle, shouldn't it just be free ? Life would be much more easier for the world.

回答 (12)

2017-09-29 6:52 am
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You've heard the phrase "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch"?

No free tanks of gas, either. This is going to break your heart, but at some point you're going to have to work for a living.
2017-09-29 6:23 am
Using your logic, why isn't everything free? Why is the upcoming iPhone X $1,000? Why isn't it free?
2017-09-29 6:13 am
Gas is never going to be free as that is obvious to any person with half a brain. As to it being expensive that is simply not true. Gasoline the late 70s and early 80s was far more expensive than it is now when the price is adjusted for inflation.
2017-09-29 5:46 am
Free? No. Would you work for me or give stuff for free? I doubt it. Why should you get free stuff.
Gas prices are so high because people will pay it. If we stop buying it, the prices will come down.
Another case of somebody that believes they know what's best for everybody and the world but doesn't understand basic economics.
2017-09-29 6:07 am
What are you, 12?
2017-09-29 7:01 pm
Much easier
Much more easy

Most things are not free, but you already know that.
2017-09-29 3:09 pm
name one other thing you use daily that is given away for free?
2017-09-29 9:12 am
Gas WOULD be free if those darn workers who make the stuff could get free rent and food. Gas would be free if the government didn't need to tax gasoline to pay for the infrastructure that transports that gas. Gas would be free if those darn truck drivers didn't need to eat, drink, fart and sleep.

I'm with you on this one - everything should be free. That way none of us would have to go to work to earn the things we need. On top of that - the things we need wouldn't exist. No need, so no charge. We all should just sleep under the stars and graze on grass.
2017-09-29 5:45 am
it would only be free if the people who harvested it and those who processed it were doing that for free.
2017-09-29 5:44 am
It's what enables the fat oil tycoons to own yachts and be surrounded by women.

Some phone companies purposely make their phone battery life short just so people will keep upgrading.

The world is greedy... not green.
2017-10-03 12:03 am
Considering the amount of work to get it out of the ground (often under the ocean), transport it, refine it, advertise, pay everyone's wages involved in all of this, gas is surprisingly cheap. It only becomes expensive when money grabbing governments (esp UK), add taxes. In the UK we would love to pay US prices for gas.
2017-09-30 6:54 am
No it shouldn't be free!!!! It takes money to pay for the drilling and refining of the oil as well as the wages of those that have to process, deliver and pump the final product of gasoline. They work to provide it , you have to work to afford it!!! That is life.

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