✔ 最佳答案
“Private citizens have come through for us and no one else really has"
-- 其中 ''no one else really has"' 的意思 是 : ''no one else really has come through for us "'
[ " come through for us "' 這 phrase 在上半句已提過, ∴ 在下半句就不必重覆 ! ]
整句 :
“Private citizens have come through for us and no one else really has.'
≡只有 private citizens 為我們而來, 沒有其他人真的有這樣做過。
≡ 只有 private citizens 因為 颶風 瑪利亞 (Hurricane Maria) 而來協助我們, 沒有其他人真的有這樣做過。