Why does Trump care more about shipping industry's profits than American lives?

2017-09-28 7:24 am

The Jones Act, (...restricting shipping and passenger trade within the United States to American owned or American flagged ships, and stipulating that 75% of a ship's crew must consist of American citizens) was suspended for Hurricanes Harvey and Irma victims (Texas and Florida), but not Puerto Rico.

回答 (5)

2017-09-28 7:26 am
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That's what happens when you elect a businessman instead of a politician to run the country.

Trump is doing exactly what he promised to do -- run the country like a business. Businesses only care about making a profit. Saving human lives costs money, and therefore is not in the best interest of a business.
2017-09-28 7:59 am
Trump owes his crony capitalists a lot of favors. The Koch brothers threatened to cut off the money if they didn't get their"huge tax breaks Trump promised them. They had to repeal Obamacare to make up the difference. Today, he is having a hissy fit just because his guy, Strange, didn't win in Alabama.

Trump is still obsessing over the states that voted for Hillary to worry about the lives of Americans. He has a team of investigators going after those states looking for voter fraud.

Not just one but two special commission offices. One is called "The Voter Fraud commission" and another one called "The President's Commission on Election Integrity". Kris Kobach is the Vice Chairman on Election Integrity. He recently went public with what he called "the bombshell of rampant voter fraud in New Hampshire".

Kobach said he had proof that 6,540 voters used out-of-state driver's licenses to register to vote on the day of the election. Yet ten months later only 1,227 had obtained a New Hampshire drivers license. Kobach claimed they were all part of a --big plot to the tip the state in favor of Hillary.

The state of New Hampshire laughed right in his face because what he failed to mention was that New Hampshire state laws allowed anyone who spends the most of the time living in the state, such as college students, to vote and use their driver's license as an ID. Most of them were, in fact, living in college towns.

Obviously, Trump and his two commissions will use any means necessary to get the desired results which is to prove that he also received the popular vote. The man is dangerously delusional and he is wasting taxpayer money on crap like this.
2017-09-28 7:26 am
simple MONEY greed and profit. lives are expendable in trumps world
2017-09-28 7:26 am
It is really just you that Trump does not care about. Everyone else is important.
2017-09-28 7:50 am
He DOES care about Americans first. That is why he decided that the ships that employ at least 75% of Americans will be allowed in. Why don't you put the blame where it belongs? Not on Trump, that's for sure.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:51:13
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