"program has stopped working" on rollercoaster tycoon 3? Any solutions?

2017-09-27 11:20 pm
Played it all night yesterday, it was fine. Today the first time it crashed was random, after learning my lesson for not saving the first time I saved my progress and it crashed afterwards. I put all the graphic quality on low and it was working, but after putting a 2 small rollercoasters in I put a third on in and it crashed, re-did it with the same one and crashed again, then thought, maybe it doesn't like that ride so I chose another one, thought it worked for a second and then "program stopped working" once again. So, now I really need someone to help me. I love this game I haven't played it in years. I did not download it, I have the disk.. If that matters.

回答 (1)

2017-09-28 4:36 am
Well, depends on a few things. First, match up the system requirements for the game, and then get all the information of everything that comprises of your computer. Memory, CPU, and GPU will pretty much be big items on that list, and right from there see if your PC is better than or meets those requirements.

Also, and better yet, you can go to that, "Can I Run It?", website, enter the name of the game, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, left click the blue button that says, "Can You Run It?", and it'll bring up all the specs, both for minimum and recommended.

Now also, to save you some trouble, I went ahead and did this on my PC, since I also run Windows 7. For both minimum and recommended, the specs talked about Windows 7 being officially unsupported for this game. Which means that, there might be issues running the game in Windows 7.

The best thing you could do then, is set compatibility mode to run in XP, and if that doesn't work, then try Windows NT or 2000 compatibility mode and see what results you get. Your second option is to get a slightly older model PC (if possible) install XP SP2 on it, and go from there. Problem with that is gonna be finding the older parts, GPU, CPU, MB. Good luck to you.

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