Word Processing Software?

2017-09-27 6:27 pm
What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of a word processing software?

回答 (2)

2017-09-28 3:09 am
The only disadvantage I can think of for Word Processing Software, sir, is that you would need a power supply ... either mains or battery ... to be able to use it.

As for advantages, there are many. For instance, you can add pictures/photographs to a document; you can move words/lines/chapters/pages to wherever you like within the document without needing to retype it in.

You can save your document and 'pick up' where you left off without fear of losing paper pages ... assuming, of course, that you remember to Save the document before closing down you computer/Tablet/Phone.

Saving the document takes up no physical space, so you don't need boxes, shelves, drawers, etc. (You'd store it electronically on your hard disk drive/in-built memory/memory card, etc.

You can use many different fonts, and sizes, within the same document, and once you reload the Word Processing Software back up, it will appear as it did when you Saved it.

You can, of course, print out your completed document should you need to have a paper document to hand, or to hand in for school/college/university/job application, etc.
2017-09-27 6:29 pm
Can't think of a single disadvantage, it used to be in programming code you couldn't use word processors, but they all come with their own editors now.

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