What is the inverse of (2x^9)+3?

2017-09-27 11:44 am

回答 (4)

2017-09-27 12:00 pm
y = f(x) = 2x⁹ + 3

y = 2x⁹ + 3
y - 3 = 2x⁹
2x⁹ = y - 3
x⁹ = (y - 3)/2
x = ⁹√[(y - 3)/2]

Then f⁻¹(x) = ⁹√[(x - 3)/2]
2017-09-27 12:24 pm
x = { [ y - 3] / 2 }^(1/9)
2017-09-27 12:01 pm
y = 2x⁹ + 3

Switch the variables x and y:

x = 2y⁹ + 3

Now, solve for y to find the inverse function:

x - 3 = 2y⁹

Divide each side by two:

(x - 3)/2 = y⁹

Take the ninth root of each side:

⁹√( (x - 3)/2 ) = y

I ll now change the y into the inverse function notation:

f⁻¹(x) = ⁹√( (x - 3)/2 )

This is your inverse function.
2017-09-27 11:45 am
Additive inverse is -2x^9 -3
Inverse function 9th root((x-3) / 2)

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