Billboard spotted. If you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing. Your thoughts?

2017-09-27 8:37 am
I guess it's a bit cheeky?

回答 (9)

2017-09-27 9:07 am
Key word, "if." The Bible tells us all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
2017-09-27 8:44 am
All have sinned vorenhutz, but God will have mercy and compassion on whom He will have mercy and compassion on.
2017-09-27 8:41 am
We all sin. We all just won't admit it.
2017-09-27 8:40 am
A version of a Voltaire quote
2017-09-27 9:42 am
Not my thought, my observation: you have no understanding whatsoever of what happened.
2017-09-27 8:50 am
Jesus never died but was mistaken for dead.
2017-09-27 10:41 am
The comment is based on the assumption that sin is a verb.
That sin is something you do.
Sin is a noun.
It's something you are .....a state, a condition.
2017-09-27 9:38 am
Every single person that is ever born is born genetically damaged because of inherited sin.

Even if you never ever come in at one single season or one single bad thought you will still die because of inherited sin.
2017-09-27 8:40 am
I'm an atheist, but the easiest answer would be original sin.
參考: Because the sins of your ancestors are your own, I guess.

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